Where:  Great Hall, Central Catholic High School 75 14th Street, Wheeling

When:   Sunday, June 14, Following the 10:30 a.m., Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral

Advance Care Planning is making decisions now about the medical care you would want to receive, and the person you would like to make medical decision for you, if you happen to become unable to speak for yourself.

You can tell your family, friends and healthcare providers what your wishes and personal beliefs are about continuing or withdrawing medical treatments at the end of life.

Additionally, we will explore how making pre-funeral arrangements for funerals can also put your mind, and those of your loved ones, at ease.

Advance Care Planning includes:


  • Thinking about what types of treatment you would or would not want should you be diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.
  • Sharing your personal values with your loved ones.
  • Completing advance directives to put into writing what types of treatment you would or would not want should you be unable to speak for yourself.



The presenters for the hour-long seminar are:

Dr. Valerie Satkoske,  Director of Ethics, Wheeling Hospital

Mr. Gene Fahey, Altmeyer Funeral Homes & Crematory

Refreshments will be served.