Disaster Recovery Services
The recovery from the devastation and tragic losses resulting from the June 22nd storms will take time, manpower and financial resources. Catholic Charities will be there in the days, week, months and sometime years of this recovery effort – your financial support makes this possible. Disaster Services work with statewide organizations in the recovery after [...]
Parish School of Religion and RCIA 2015 Signup Sheet
Click here to download the 2015 Parish School of Religion and RCIA Signup Sheet.
Advance Care Planning: A Gift for You and Your Family
Where: Great Hall, Central Catholic High School 75 14th Street, Wheeling When: Sunday, June 14, Following the 10:30 a.m., Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral Advance Care Planning is making decisions now about the medical care you would want to receive, and the person you would like to make medical decision for you, if you [...]
Upcoming Events
We have a lot to look forward to in the spring and summer months here at our Cathedral parish. Here is a list! May 17—Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 24—Solemnity of Pentecost June 6—Diaconate Ordination, 11 a.m. (no 9 a.m. Mass) June 7—Feast of Corpus Christi, sidewalk decorating after 8:00 a.m. Mass, [...]
‘Chalk the Walk’ with the Youth Sunday June 22
Attention Youth of the parish! The Cathedral needs your help Sunday June 22, 2014 for a special art project. On June 22, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, youth from the parish will be coloring the sidewalks of the church with chalk. We need any and all youth from the parish to [...]
Two Upcoming Canonizations
Dear Friends: The canonizations of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II on April 27 will mark a historic moment for the Catholic Church. To explore the meaning of the lives of these modern-day spiritual heroes, the U.S. Bishops Office for Media Relations asked several persons to reflect on their contributions. Writers include [...]
Advent Holy Hour Monday, December 16
Monday, December 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. The Cathedral of St. Joseph, Wheeling, West Virginia invites you, family, and friends to join us as we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season by attending our Advent Holy Hour. The evening will include a meditation offered by a brother of the Dominican Order, music, prayers, and [...]
Stained Glass Concert Series continues on November 10 at 3 p.m.
The Cathedral of Saint Joseph invites you to join us this Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. in the Cathedral Church for the second performance in our Stained Glass Concert Series. In preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, this concert will reflect themes of thanksgiving, grace, and praise through various classical pieces. The concert will feature [...]